Processed with VSCO with p7 preset

After talking and thinking about it for quite some time, it was on a hot summer afternoon in June of 2016 when I suddenly decided to “go for it” and start a “Fashion Blog” – an Instagram Fashion Blog that is. At the time, I don’t think I had a clear understanding of this whole blog concept but I figured taking outfit pictures and posting them on Instagram wouldn’t be all that difficult so without much more thought into it, off I went to take my pictures. 

I changed out of the PJs I was lounging in all day and put on this ALL BLACK EVERYTHING outfit and dragged my brother to a quiet nearby neighborhood to snap some pictures for me.  I created an Instagram page @_theladyt that very same day, put on some filters on my pictures, and off to social media they went.

Processed with VSCO with p7 preset

Since then, this “blogging” journey has been a mentally and physically exhausting process as I’ve tried to balance this hobby of mine with my professional work, learn to coordinate with people to schedule photoshoots, study the photography lingo, master photo editing skills, and understand all the back end work of this this blogging world. And although often times I find myself asking “Why the hell am I even doing this??”  (and I still don’t think I have a clear answer to that question), I wouldn’t change this experience for anything as I’ve grown and changed for the better through the process. I just wanted to leave these pictures up on here as a reminder to self as to when and where it all started.

P.S. NOTE TO SELF: It is 100% OK to be the slow moving turtle and move at your own pace. TRUST THE PROCESS. June 2016 to March 2019. Took me almost 3 years to create an actual blog site.
